5 Mistakes Every SocialMedia Marketers Makes

There are many mistakes you can make but i noticed some common mistakes that every amateurs make and should be avoided. I know, most of your mistakes you do with good intentions, trying to grow your audience and become popular like others. but in order to achieve the results, you should not make the following common mistakes.

Trying Everything at one time.

I notice many times this in people, who wish to be a social media marketer and new to social media. Let me point out that every social media platform works differently, So your strategy of marketing on each social media platform should be different.

Amateurs mostly join every social media platform and start being active on every network they can find and copy content format from others to gain audience and drive traffic to their websites but it’s wrong and you’ll end up no where even after months of trying.

Expecting Growth in short time.

Mostly when people sign up to a social network, they want to increase their followers/fans list in short time and make mistake like posting too often or sharing their content only etc.

But let me tell you, it will get you less attention. For example if you’re sharing the same content 10 times a day on twitter, people will eventually get annoyed and will ignore your tweets later on. Even your followers might end up unfollowing you.

You need to understand that growing your audience/followers require times. It does not happen overnight. So better not to share same content multiple times a day.

Also, if you wish to have millions of followers then sharing only about 1 topic will get you followers but not all of them. So i advice that share about my multiple topics on your social network to gain more followers.

Not Using The Hashtags.

Hashtags plays major role in marketing these days. If you don’t know anything about hashtags, i am going to explain basics very quickly.

So to the point, importance of using hashtags is they give more exposure to your posts. You might have noticed them on instagram and twitter mostly. People use it to give more exposure to their posts. With the help of hashtags, your posts becomes visible outside of your followers. The people who are following the exact hashtag will able to see your posts.

This can help you gain more exposure to your posts and more followers who have similar interests as you. One thing you should keep in mind that you should use relevant hashtags to your posts.

If you’re posting some tips about marketing but using completely off topic hashtags than you might end up with very less traffic or no traffic at all. Learn more about how to use hashtags on twitter here.

Not following Back !

I know you don’t have to follow back every person that follows you but if you don’t follow back people who follows you, some of them will stop following you. You may see the fluctuations in your followers list, that is because of you don’t follow back your followers. So it is suggested to do so especially at beginning.

False believing that your posts are seen by all fans.

This is another mistake that disappoints people. Let’s say you have grown your followers about 1000. So next time you share your content, you expect to have minimum 700-800 clicks on the link but you are wrong. When you share a new post, it will be only seen by around 80-100 people that means around 9-10% approximately. So if you expect to have more than 500 clicks than you must have 10 times more audience first.

8 Twitter Mistakes You Should Avoid

You dream of having a thousands of followers. Who wouldn't want that right ?
in order to gain more traffic to your blog and gain more followers, you spend whole day constantly tweeting and sharing blog posts.

But it hardly gets you new followers. That obviously means you're doing something wrong and need to stop immediately.

Here i m going to point out some common mistakes people make when they are trying to gain more followers.

Do not Tweet The Same Thing More Than Twice a Day.

Now, I feel it is OK to tweet same article or blogpost ten times a day. You do this because, People reading it in the morning are not the same people reading it in evening, This is true but there is a little problem,

You see when you post same article or link manytimes a day, You're not taking the heavy twitter addicts into your account. And trust me there are enough people on twitter who will see all those tweets and get annoyed fast.

And if you MUST tweet same link more than twice, i suggest you at least change the lead on your sentence.

Don't Promote ONLY Your Blog in Your Tweets.

Okay so the main word here is "Only". from my opinion, there is nothing wrong with sharing your blog posts to your followers. these people only followed you because apparently they are interested in your thoughts or they find something useful from you.

But, Let me give you an example if you come across someone's twitter timeline and all his tweets start with "New Blog Post", would you still want to follow that person and want him/her in your twitter feed ? Chances are pretty low unless you really like the person or some other reason may be.

Don't follow people Randomly !

The reason i m telling you to avoid this because if you just follow random people on the twitter, You will end up with uncontrollable amount of people in your feed and this will eventually destroy your ability to use twitter effectively.

So i rather suggest that focus on following people in your niche. If you're a blogger, Find/Follow some well known bloggers who share quality tweets that interests you. It won't just make any sense if you follow people who have no idea about blogging right ?

Do not Auto DM People Who Follows You.

This has to be the biggest Annoying thing in the Twittersphere.

If a person follows you, They did not do it for you. They did it for themselves. So no need to thank them.

Don't DM saying " Nice to meet you" or "Thanks for following/Connecting". It's really annoying and most people don't like it now. because most of people do this to market their blog or product or business. Trying to market your blog/business by linking it with auto DM will hardly get you business or traffic to your blog but surely your brand/blog will loose reputation.

Avoid Being a Spammer.

If you're on twitter whole day tweeting random stuff or promoting your blog constantly then here is what will happen if you tweet too many times.

1. You will annoy your followers and lose them.

2. You will loose traffic to your blog.

3. Your tweets will start to loose power and people will start to ignore them.

4. You will get much less RTs on your Tweets.

Not leaving Space For Retweet.

Okay so just because you have 140 characters doesn't mean you should use it all. Experts say that it's good idea to keep your tweets about 120 characters leaving 20 characters space for your followers to comment on it.

Leaving space for comments are likely to get you more engagement and retweets to your posts.

Do Not Copy Whole Link.

This is one of the common mistakes twitter newbie does. Copying the whole link to your post will take most of space and you won't have enough left to say something about it. Now If you see a tweet with just a link. No-one will click it. because they will think of it as a spamming.

But adding something ahead of the link that people find useful will surely get much more clicks.

And There are some great tools like bit.ly or ow.ly to shorten your links and they are real space savers.

Twitter Isn't Facebook.

This is another mistake twitter newbie does. If you're in for business or wish to have huge followers.
don't share posts like "What you ate for lunch" or "What movie you saw", This Isn't Facebook God Damn it !

People on twitter are drawn to the quality and useful content. And if you wish to have gain huge followers do not make this mistake.

These are some common mistakes people make on twitter. And If you have any question/query we can help you with, Please comment below or connect us.

4 Tools to Gain More Followers on Instagram

Whenever you see a high profile on instagram, Sometimes A question pops up into your head How did they managed to get over 10k followers by posting only few hundred photos right?

Gaining followers on Instagram isn't hard as it seems to you right now. They just post quality photos as you do but you hardly get new followers but they gain minimum 20-30 new followers from single photo.

So how do they do it ?

To give their photos more exposure they simply craft a perfect caption related to photo. if you look deeper you will notice that in the caption they are telling story about the photo or written in a way that is engaging. on top of that they use popular hashtags relates to their post.

Most of you probably know these things and applying on your photos but still it's not making a huge difference right ?

Well, The Secret Sauce is they use the right tools for instagram.

Here i m going to introduce you to 4 tools that will help you gain massive followers instantly.

1. Webstagram 

Webstagram is one of the popular tools to find hashtags for your posts. Another feature is if you search any keyword you will get list of hashtags related to the keyword. So choose the most searched and popular hashtag in your post and notice the difference.

2. Iconosqaure

Iconosquare is more of a analysis tool for instagram. It helps you to track yours and people's activity.

Iconosquare lets you..

  • Like and Comment on your follower's posts.
  • Get Analysis about new followers, Most popular photos and best time to post.
  • Track new comments.
Also if you click on "Statistic" tab, It will give you overview of instagram activity With detailed Information about last 7 days.

3. Schedugram

Now, If you're in instagram for business then Schedugram is chosen one of the best tool for gaining followers and connect with your customers.

Key Features of Schedugram are..

  • Web Upload - This feature allows you to upload your images or videos to be posted to your instagram account. Also you can crop, add filters or texts in your photos.
  • Schedule Your Posts - Once you've uploaded your images, this feature allows you to Schedule your posts for anytime in future.
  • Multiple Accounts - You can manage multiple accounts through easily interface. 
  • Multiple Users - Schedugram lets multiple users to log into your account and schedule posts for your accounts plus you can see who has scheduled what.

4. Ink361

 Ink361 is web app for instagram, one of the best tool of all time. It has all features combined.

Ink361 helps you to create albums, discover new contacts and setup alert for new posts. Also, Ink361 lets you to get a clear overview of your social impact over time.

This tools shows you what's popular on instagram right now, hot tags used all over the world and featured users on the instagram. You can see these features in the "Popular" tab.

Discover what's hot on instagram, Post a quality photo with engaging caption about it with popular hashtags will help you gain tons of followers right away.

These 4 tools helped us grow our client's audience and increased their sales exponentially. I m sure it'll help you to grow your audience and gain massive followers.

If you have any question or query we can help you with. we'd love that. please leave it in comment or contact on social network.

How to Increase Followers on Instagram

If you're just starting with instagram, You wonder how people have thousands of followers where you upload some pictures you hardly get 10 likes and may be 1 new follower. It sucks right ?

You also want to increase your followers but don't know how to do it.

Don't worry every beginner felt the same, even myself. But here i m going to share you my tactics how i increased my followers on instragram.

Now, I would suggest that Firstly, Ask yourself what is your Thing ? Are a photographer ? a Gymrat ? or may be you like cars or you have more interest in fashion or in cooking ? Whatever your thing is, Stick to it. Share more photos about it. Use hashtags related to your thing.

Tip 1 - Post Consistently

If you're just beginner with instagram i suggest you that post consistently (atleast once per day) with high quality photos.

Social media analytic tools analyzed that people with huge followers post more than once per day
Research showed that people who post atleast once a day have 17% more chances to have new followers.

Tip 2 - Use Popular Hashtags

Now,You have your quality photos to share but don't know which hashtags will get your photos more exposure ? then it's time to do some research first before sharing photos.

Find some high profile accounts that have similar taste as you and check their recent photos. which hashtags they used.

According to a research, photos with 11+ hashtags get more exposure. and chances of getting new followers are 24% higher.

Find and use more than 11 hashtags relating to your photo that will help your photo to get more exposure.

Tip 3 - Tell a Story with Your Caption

Write an engaging story in your photo captions. Storytelling helps to increase more engagement and much more likely to get your photo more sharings.

Captions are incredibly important element of your photo. telling a story with captions gives people a little bit insight into you as an expert. So having a perfect combination of amazing photos, popular hashtags and great captions will get you more engagement and lead to new followers.

Tip 4 - Use Filters

According to research Using the right filter can actually lead more views and engagement. Researchers determined that Filtered photos are 21% more likely to be viewed & 45% more likey to be commented on than unfiltered ones.

So, Choose the right filter for your photo that increases the photo quality, this will help to get more views and engagement on photo thus that will of course result in more new followers.

Tip 5 - Engage with People

In addition to all these tips, Engaging with people is very promising way to get massive followers.
Search with the help of hashtags and find people who have similar interest as you. Go through their photo feed and like some photos and comment on some where you can share something or appreciate the photo in a way that help you build relation.

I suggest that every person's feed you go through, comment on the recent photos, which last 2 days old which do not have more than 10-15 comments. If you comment on a photo that already have 50+ comments then there are chances that your comment will go unseen thus, no engagement.

Tip 6 - Have an Amazing Bio

Writing an amazing bio can actually help increase followers. Whenever people see your photo they go through your profile and make a decision do i want him/her in my news feed. Write something good in your bio. Upload the best one of your picture. Write about your interests and what you like doing.

How to use Hashtags on twitter

When you first signed up for twitter, The word Hashtag probably crossed your mind. Now, knowing about hashtag is great but knowing how to use it effectively is entirely different.

To engage with your audience or people who have similar interest as you, you have to do some research and find what exact hashtags your audience use And use those hashtags in your tweets to engage with those people.

For Example, If you're looking for people who are talking about some marketing strategies for internet marketing or twitter marketing, you can use #marketingtips or #internetmarketing to join the conversation.

Now, Big question is how to find the right hashtags that most people are using related to your topic ?

Don't worry.

Here i m going to introduce you to some tools to find out which hashtags these people use.

RiteTag :

Ritetag is a tool which helps you to find out how much people are search for particular hashtags and how much a tweet gets retweeted that include that hashtag.

It also shows you the top used Hashtags all over the world.

Sounds pretty cool right ? sit back because its going to get more better !

It has one more feature called Coach. 

These feature helps you to enhance your tweet and use the right hashtags by itself plus it also includes Schedule feature by which you can schedule your tweets. Like all-in-One tool.

Now you can easily search how much a hashtag is being searched by people all over the world and use the most searched hashtag related to your topic in your tweet to give more exposure and to engage with more people who have similar interest as you.

If you're completely new to twitter, I recommend to use this tool.

Mentionmapp :

So you found a great tool(RiteTag) to find most used hashtags related to a topic right ?

What if i want to search for a popular blogger or any other successful people and see what topics he/she is tweeting about and who he/she mentions in their tweets.

There is a tool. Yes right. The Mentionmapp

This tool allows you to search for a particular person on twitter and shows you which hashtags he used in his recent tweets and which people he mentioned in his recent tweets.

On top of that, It also shows you the recent tweets that includes the hashtag you searched for and which people are using those hashtags. It makes really easy to track down your audience or people which are talking about a specific topic or hashtag.

This two tools are the best to get you started and connect with your audience and specific people who have similar interest as you do.

Leave a comment about any query and i'll talk to you soon and help find solution.

Advanced Guide to Write Excellent Headlines

Do this question ever crossed your mind that "Why do professional writter's posts get hundreds of clicks" ?

Because they are well-known ?

Because they never miss one most powerful user attraction-An engaging Headline.

Yes, it's true.

I know you work really hard on your writing, You used all the writing advice that is available out there to craft your post. You have come up with great ideas that readers will find useful and you spent hours on writing that delivers and reads beautifully.

Let me state a fact for you first, Every user is faced with dozens of choices on its feed and Usually he/she makes choice by just reading its Headline only.

You wrote a great post that will help many users but firstly you will need come up with a excellent headline for it.

Remember, your headline is what that is going to sell your content so you need to make sure that you craft a excellent headline too.

Here, I m gonna share some elements to craft an excellent headline to sell your content and making people want to click on your link.

1. Surprise

Surprises in the headlines works because human brains like novelty, Thus surprises prove to be more simulating and grab others attention quickly

Example : Twitter goes public! 21 things you need to know.

Now whoever is twitter addict or spends so much time on twitter will obviously want to know how and when twitter went public.

2. Curiosity

There's a psychological phenomenon called curiosity gap. which is the gap between something a person knows and wants to know.

People usually start to feel deprivation when they notice a gap in their knowledge. Once a person knows little, they will want to find out more and fill in the missing information.

With this in mind write something enough in headlines that will sparkle their curiosity but not so much that you give your story away.

Example : Every writer regret not doing this sooner.

Now, Every person out there want to be writer will want to know the things are what that they must know. and so far it sold my content very efficiently. didn't it ?

3. Negatives

Everyone knows that superlatives like "best", "biggest", "great" are effective in the headlines but sometimes negative superlatives are even more powerful.

Negatives are powerful for tapping into people's insecurities. Using words like "Stop", "Destroys", "Avoid" etc often work because everyone wants to know if there's anything they need to stop ?

Example : 10 Mistakes Every Writer Needs to Avoid !

As you read the example, it is a strong headline. Makes people curious what to avoid to be a great writer whoever fears is obviously going to click on my link and that is how you need to sell your content too.

4. How to

Many writers says if your headlines starts with "How to" it's very good. This is thanks to everyone who wish to be smarter and learn something new.

If you are targeting audience that is trying to learn something then How to will be a great headline to start.

Example : How to Write Powerful Posts.

By reading above headline, I m sure whoever trying to perfect their writing skills and perfect posts want to click on the link and read the content in depth. Well that's what i was going for. And so far this headline is going to sell my content very easily because i know my audience are to trying to learn about writing great posts.